Adding & Managing Price Adjustments

Adding & Managing Price Adjustments

Fast-Weigh Web Portal
To add the Price Adjustments module to your Fast-Weigh subscription, contact us at 865-219-2980 or

With Price Adjustments, you can easily establish pricing adjustments and add them to multiple order and quote products. Price adjustments can be set up using multiple calculations, and then up to three can then be applied per product.

Setting up New Price Adjustments 

Before you can use adjustments, you must set up the various adjustments that can be applied to your products.

  • Navigate to Resources > Billing > Price Adjustments.
  • Click the [+New Adjustment] button.
  • Set the Description of what the adjustment does.
  • Select the type you want the adjustment applied to:
    • Material
    • Freight
    • Surcharge
    • Hauler Pay
  • Select the method of adjustment. This determines how the adjustment will be applied to the product.
    • Percent of Rate
    • Fixed Amount of Rate
    • Fixed Amount of Load

  • Once you have established your adjustment, select it in the list to bring up the rate table on the right of the page.
  • Click [+New Rate] on the right-side table to set the adjustment. 
    • Set a duration for how long the adjustment is valid
    • Set the rate of the adjustment.
    • Click Update to save the adjustment.
  • You can set up multiple adjustment rates at once for different date ranges, if needed. 

Adding Adjustments to Products

Now that you have established your adjustments, you can apply them to your orders and quotes when adding the products. Price Adjustments can also be set by default on your Price Templates on the Product Pricing page.

  • Create a new Order/Quote or edit an existing Order/Quote.
  • Click [+New Product] and fill in the information for the product like normal
  • Set the desired adjustments for the product.
    • You can set up to 3 per product.
    • The adjustment rate will be applied based on if the ticket date is within the set adjustment date range.
      • EX: If you set the adjustment for $1 off in January and $1.50 off in February, any ticket created in January will get $1 off and any ticket created in February will get $1.50 off. Additionally, any ticket created past February will not get any amount off since there is no adjustment set for that date range.
  • Click [Update] to save the product.

Now, when you create a ticket for the adjusted product, Fast-Weigh will automatically apply the adjustments to the rate or amount when the ticket is billed.

If you do not see the Price Adjustments tab, please email us at or call 865-219-2980 during business hours to have Price Adjustments turned on for your Web Portal. 

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