To add the Dispatching module to your Fast-Weigh subscription, contact us at 865-219-2980 or
Setting up Haulers, Trucks, and Orders for Dispatching
Before a truck can be used for a Request, you will need to enable the dispatching feature at both the Hauler and Truck levels.
Navigate to Trucks > Haulers.
Edit the Hauler you would like to enable for dispatching.
Check the Enable Dispatching box.
Then navigate to Trucks > Trucks.
Edit the Truck you would like to enable for dispatching.
Check the Enable Dispatching box.
Optional: If you will be using SMS text alerts, check the Dispatch SMS box and enter the driver's mobile phone number in the SMS Number field.
Optional: If a truck utilizes multiple drivers, you can establish all drivers and their phone numbers by creating driver profiles. This allows to easily exchange drivers on the Truck profile if needed.
Then navigate to Orders > Orders.
Edit the Order that you will be using for dispatching.
Set a Latitude / Longitude for the Delivery Location.
The Requests Dashboard
Navigate to Dispatch > Requests
This will bring you to the Requests Dashboard screen. On this screen, your truck Requests can be easily viewed and managed via the Requests table, the Trucks table, or the Whiteboard.
Requests can be filtered by Region, Date, and Status at the top of the Dashboard
Active - Displays all Requests that have not been closed, including both active Requests and those on hold.
Open - Indicates that your trucks should be actively running loads for that Request. On the whiteboard, open Requests are green.
Closed - The Request is complete. No more loads will be run. On the whiteboard, closed Requests are grey.
Hold - When a Request is placed on hold, trucks are not actively running loads for the Request, but will resume at some point. On the whiteboard, Requests on hold are blue.
The Requests Table
The Requests table is the main screen for managing Dispatching. Here you can view and edit your Requests at-a-glance.
Add new trucks from the requested haulers.
Alert the drivers about the Request.
Make changes to the Request.
View individual truck Requests with the black arrow on each Request.
Send/resend individual alerts.
Modify the assignment.
The Trucks Table
The Trucks table provides an overview of your Requests organized by the assigned Trucks. Here, you can quickly review how many Requests a Truck has for a set timeframe, add the Truck to an existing Request, and edit the Truck's existing Requests.
The Whiteboard
Your Requests Whiteboard provides a different view of your Requests. Here, you can see summary cards of the Request, as well as make edits to the Request and send alerts.
Creating a New Request
To add a new Request, click the [ + New Request ] or select a Request from the table below and use the [ Copy Request ] button to start a new copy of the existing Request.
Fill in the Region, Order, and Product to be used on all loads run for this Request.
Create a name for the Request with the Request Description
Add in or modify the Request Delivery Info.
Note: This will auto-fill with the Order Delivery Info, but it can be modified for the specific Request.
Add in a Reference Number for the Request
Note: This can be used to search for the Request on the Desktop Ticketing Application.
Use the Map button to automatically add in the Delivery Lat/Long from an address.
Choose from one of three Duration options for the Request:
All Day: Request is open all day, for one day
Multi-Day: Request is open for multiple, set days
Next, set the Request Date for the Request
If the Request is Multi-Day, you will also want to set the To Date.
If the Request is scheduled for a certain time, input this into the Time field.
Specify the Quantity: how much material should be hauled on this Request by Units or by Loads.
If you are attaching Requests to Tickets on the Desktop Ticketing Application, fulfilment of the Request will be tracked.
A Request can be automatically closed with the Close on Complete setting if fulfillment is tracked.
The Status will default to Open, but you can mark the Request as on Hold or Closed here.
If you are using Proof of Delivery, make sure that Driver POD on Delivery is set to Yes on the Request and on the Order
You can also view and edit internal Order Notes from the Request setup screen.
Click Save when done.
Adding Trucks to a Request
Once the Request has been saved, you may assign a Hauler and Trucks to the Request and restrict the assigned Trucks to certain Truck Types.
To add trucks to the Request, you must first assign 1 or more haulers using the [ + Add ] button.
Select the Hauler from the drop-down.
Set the Location that the Truck will be hauling out of.
Note: The location determines which version of the product the Trucks on this Hauler can ticket for (if there is more than one), so this can also affect the pricing of the Ticket if it varies across the Products setup on the Order.
If you are using Tax Code Groups, you can set a Default Tax Code for this Hauler.
Trucks Requested and Trucks Committed can be used to track how many Trucks are needed for the Request, but this does not limit the number you can assign.
Click Update to save the new Hauler.
Once a Hauler is added, you can print or email a Dispatch Request PDF using the Print and Email icons on the Hauler record.
To assign a specific truck to the Request, use the [ + ] button on the assigned Hauler(s).
Use the check boxes on the right to choose one or more Trucks.
Set the Duration for the Request. This must be set within the Request's duration, but can be set to any day/time within the duration.
Set the Quantity for the truck. If a quantity is set and you are tracking fulfilment, you can check Remove on Complete to inactive the Truck when their loads are fulfilled.
You can also assign a priority for the specific Request of 1-5.
Add in any optional Truck Message that will be included in the Truck's SMS notification on the Mobile Request details link.
Click Save or Save & Notify on the Truck Selection pop-up when done.
If you select Save, the driver will not be notified until you manually send the alert from the Dashboard.
You can also update all of the Trucks assigned to a Request with the [Update All Trucks] button.
You can change the duration and requested dates for all trucks.
Set the quantity and quantity type for all trucks.
Set the priority level for all trucks.
Once you have assigned all of the needed trucks to the Request, click Save on the setup page.
You should now see your new Request on the Request Dashboard.
Editing Requests, Viewing Production Totals, & Sending SMS Alerts to Drivers
Requests can be edited easily from the Requests tab or Whiteboard by clicking the edit button on one of your Requests.
You can also send an SMS Text Alert by clicking the alert button and entering a message.
Live Tracking
The Live Tracking view allows you to track your dispatches in real time.
Live Tracking Key
NOTE: Phone numbers used for SMS alerts can be established in the Truck profile (see the top of this article) and on the Driver setup screen
Fast-Weigh Dispatching is an optional feature add-on. To add Dispatching to your FastWeigh subscription, contact us today at 865-219-2980 or
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