Portal Settings: Customizing the Web Portal

Portal Settings: Customizing the Web Portal

Fast-Weigh Web Portal

The Portal Settings page is broken into six categories: Billing Settings, Order/Ticket Settings, Freight Settings, Load-Out Settings, Other Settings, and Password/Security Settings.

To access your Web Portal settings, navigate to the  Settings Gear > Portal Settings.

NOTE: These settings will be defined during the upfront setup of your company and should rarely be edited.

Global Settings


  • Starting invoice #: Defines the starting invoice number to be used during Billing.
    • Note: This setting will not affect the invoice number sequence past the very first invoice.
  • Default Invoice Break: Defines when to create a new invoice number for a group of tickets. This sequence must start with Customer, then each subsequent break setting can be selected in any order.
    • Customer - Assigns all tickets within a batch to a single customer. This allows you to create a single invoice across multiple orders.
    • Order - Creates a new invoice number for each customer order.
    • PO - Creates a new invoice number for each purchase order established on an order.
    • Tax Code - Creates a new invoice number for each tax code set on the ticket.
    • Product - Creates a new invoice for each different version of a Product on an Order
    • Yard - Creates a new invoice for each yard.
    • Ticket UDFs - Creates a new invoice for each different entry into your User Defined Fields.
  • Billing Export Format: Choose your third-party accounting system to define how Fast-Weigh billing data will interface with your accounting system.
  • Optional Invoice Prefix: If using direct accounting integration, you may add a short prefix to your invoices to avoid any duplicate invoice numbers being created in your third-party accounting system.
  • Company Codes: This three-digit company code corresponds to the one used with your accounting system. If your accounting system doesn't use a 3-digit company code, you can simply use the first three letters of your company name for the company code.
  • GL AR Account: Corresponds to the GL AR Account used in your third-party accounting system.
  • AR Tax Code: Corresponds to the AR tax code used in your third-party accounting system.
  • External Tax Service: If you use a third-party service like Avalara to control Tax Codes, you can connect this service into Fast-Weigh here.


  • Units of Measure: Define global units of measure to be used during product setup.
  • Default Tax Code By: Used to determine the order of Tax Code Defaults.
    • Customer: New Order-Products use the Product's default tax code if it is set first, then use the Customer's if no Product default is set.
      • For Example: Used when you primarily control tax by Customers but have some products that are always exempt.
    • Product: New Order-Products use the Customer's default tax code if it is set first, then use the Product's if no Customer default is set.
      • For Example: Used when you primarily control tax by the Product and Location but have some Customers that are always exempt.
  • UDFs (or User-Defined Fields) are optional, custom fields that be added to your tickets, orders, and trucks.


  • Minimum Password Length: Set the minimum password length for any user accounts created for your Web Portal
  • Password Expiration: Set a password expiration date, which forces users to change their passwords at that time.
  • Use Strong Passwords: Check this box to force users to make their passwords contain various special characters for better security.
  • Trusted Device Login Period: Default number of days until your users are auto-logged out.


  • Freight Code Our Truck: If your third-party accounting system uses a product code or SKU for your Freight rates, you may put that code here.
  • Freight Code Hired Truck: If your third-party accounting system uses a product code or SKU for your Hauler rates, you may put that code here.
  • Freight Description: Optional description field to correspond with any freight rate product or SKU description set up in your third-party accounting system.
  • Surcharge Code: A space for any additional fee codes set up in your third-party accounting system.
  • Use Freight Haul Zones: Check this box to use Haul Zones when building orders.

    NOTE: Freight rates, hauler rates, and surcharges are set up when building orders.


  • Dashboard – Show Last: Choose how many days by default the dashboard data shows. Setting zero results in current day data only.
  • Use Metric Labels: Switches U.S. Imperial measurement units to Metric units.
  • Use Secondary Tax: Check this box to enable Secondary Tax codes.

Additional Module Settings


  • Default Quote Expiration Days: The default number of days from the Create Date on a Quote used to auto-fill the Quote Expiration field.


  • Turn Around Minutes: The minimum time between the same truck being tared in and marked in-yard.
  • Clear Truck Assignment: Check this box to auto-clear the Truck Order Assignment when a Ticket is created.


  • Disclaimers: Click "Edit" to enter in Proof of Delivery Acceptance Disclaimers, Rejection Disclaimers, and a URL to your Terms and Conditions.

Once you have finished modifying your portal settings, click Save to avoid losing changes.

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